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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Do I need a Signature account to make a hotel reservation?
    Yes. Users must create a Signature account before checking availability, rates, or booking a hotel room. If you encounter any issues creating a new account, please email us at
  • Do I need to be a TailWins member to make a hotel reservation?
    No. You only need a Signature account. TailWins membership is not required.
  • Will my information be shared with any 3rd parties?
    Yes. Basic information such as name and email address will be shared with our partner FlightBridge for availability, pricing and booking. Their Terms & Conditions can be found at
  • Do I need to create an account with FlightBridge to book a hotel?
    No. An account will automatically be created for you when checking for availability, pricing, or booking.
  • Can I use my existing FlightBridge account when booking through Signature's website?
    No. Signature has teamed with FlightBridge to use a single sign-on process for a seamless customer experience. You cannot access an existing FlightBridge account through Signature.

  • How do I view, change or cancel an existing hotel reservation?
    Login to using your Signature login. Click on your user profile icon located in the upper right corner. Click Hotel Bookings to access your list of hotel reservations. All changes or cancelations must be made from FlightBridge's website.
  • Who do I contact if I have a question about my hotel reservation?
    You can contact FlightBridge's support team seven days a week between 8:00 AM and 8:00 PM eastern standard time by phone at +1(404) 835-5600 or email at

  • My information is out of date. How do I update it?
    Your personal information will be stored on the Signature account in My Profile. Access My Profile section directly and complete the desired changes or use a shortcut by clicking the green circle with your first initial on the top right of the page and select Edit Profile.
  • My account is locked / I can't get my username or password.
    Please contact the Signature Aviation Website Support team at to have your account unlocked.